Mini Workshop

Are you prepared to elevate your personal and professional life? Experience the transformative power of the Silva Method—a proven approach combining mind and body techniques that have empowered millions worldwide to achieve remarkable outcomes.

Free Mini Workshop

An ideal starting point for those interested in exploring the Silva Method before enrolling in a full course.

Mini Workshop | Silva Self-Mind-Control Method | 90 Minutes | Online

Online , United Kingdom
Check our events Calender for latest dates
This is a Free Course for All


  1. Hello,

    Can you advise when you will be running this course again? Can you also confirm whether this will be online or face to face.

    Thank you,

    Sue Woodley

    1. Hello Susan, Mini workshops are run every month and they are done online. Please keep an eye on our event calendar for updates on the upcoming courses.

      Should you wish to Join a Mini Workshop please filter using Open for All courses under Event Category on the left.

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